==== Create ACH File and Control File ==== [[[start | Up to Main Menu ]]][ [[start#iach | Prior Topic - iACH ]]] \\ \\ Option 4, from the ACH Menu will call command SBMACHFILE. This will provide the following screen to the user to enable the ACH detail and control files to be created.
FM7226 Create ACH File 6/20/09 QSECOFR Create ACH Control and Detail 13:38:13 ACH Control Key . . . . . . . . . . .: (F4=Prompt) F3=Exit F10=Submit F12=CancelThe user may enter a valid ACH Control Key, or prompt for an existing ACH Key. Once the ACH Key is validated, the program will pass the ACH Control Key to the command CRTACHFILE. Otherwise, an error message will appear notifying the user that an invalid ACH key has been entered.