[[[start | Up to Main Menu ]]] [ [[mainmenuoverview | Prior Topic - Main Menu OverView ]]] ====== Work With Form Applications ====== To work with Form Applications go to **menu IDOCS** and select **option 1**. The below list appears.
  9/22/20                     iDocs Form Suite                        FM0465C1  
 12:22:23               Work with Form Applications                   KKRAMER   
  1=Edit          2=Configure data map     3=Copy              4=Delete         
  7=Rename        8=Work with map fields  11=Conditional      14=Smart Routing  
 15=Merge with Spool File                 16=Print Overlays   18=Spool Routing  
 19=Work with database map  20=Merge with database map                          
  Search a name .             *START, NAME                                      
             Opt  Form        Description                Status                 
                     AAAMCOR  Test whole page            *CHECKIN               
                     AAAMCO2  Test whole page            *CHECKIN               
                     AAANLTR  Test scorecrard letter     *CHECKIN               
                     AAAPAGE  Test whole page            *CHECKIN               
                     AAATEST  Test whole page            *CHECKIN               
                     AUPMET   UPMET                      *CHECKIN               
                     LIBPO    Liberty Steel PO           *CHECKIN               
                    ADELWACK  Adel Wiggins Acknowledge   *CHECKIN               
                   ABARCODE   Test whole page            *CHECKIN               
                   ABARCODES  prtken/barcoMSI Scal/Rotd  *CHECKIN               
                   ABARCODEX  Test whole page            *CHECKIN               
                   AEMAILTST  Test scrapped eMail to     *CHECKIN               
 F3=Exit   F6=Add   F13=Database Mapping   F15=Global Offset                    
* Use **[[defineformopt1 | option 1]]** to update a form application. Use F6 to add a new form application. * Use **[[configuredatamap | option 2 ]]** to define spool file mapping. This can be done to augment or instead of mapping from the iMap application. * Use **option 3** to create a full copy of a form application. * Use **option 4** to delete a form application. This option does **not** delete the macros and map files associated with the form application. * Use **option 7** to rename the form application. Macros and map files associated with this form application are not renamed. * Use **[[configuredatamap#mapped_field_maintenance | option 8]]** to work with mapped fields. You can change, copy and delete mapped fields created with iMap or using option 2, greenscreen mapping. * Use **[[condText | option 11]]** to conditionally add macros, text and overlays to the application. * Use **[[smartrouting | option 14 ]]** to define database Smart Routing with output to iMail, iFax and print. * Use **[[manualmerge | option 15 ]]** to manually perform a merge of an form application with a spool file. * Use **option 16** to manually print just the overlays associated with a form application. * Use **[[smartrouting#database_definition_for_email | option 18]]** to define outqueue destinations for Smart Routing applications with failed address resolution. * Use **option 19** Work with database map. * Use **option 20** to merge with a Database file.

* Use **[[defineformopt1 | F6=Add]]** to create a new blank form application. * Use **F13=Database Mapping** to define mapping from a database instead of a spool file. * Use **[[globaloffset | F15=Global Offset]]** to specify global offset

---- [[definecheck | Next Topic - Work With Check Applications]]