[[[start#imap | Up To Index ]]] ====== iMap 3.0 Revisions ====== This document is under construction. [[iMap3SupportthewaytochangeCheckNumber|1. Support the way to change Check Number (CHECK#) from iMap]] [[iMap3Supportthewaytoinput|2. Support the way to input "Conditional Text and Overlays" for form/check application.]] [[iMap3Supportabilitytochangemappedfield|3. Support ability to change mapped field’s position from mapped field properties window]] [[iMap3Supportseveralnewproperties|4. Support several new properties such as "Map Type", "Font Rotation"]] [[iMap3Supporttheshortcutwaytocreatemappedfield|5. Support the shortcut way to create mapped field with custom field name without drag drop operation.]] [[iMap3Thescenariotodemonstrate|6. The scenario to demonstrate the way to use Smart Routing field]] [[iMap3Supportmoremappedfieldtype|7. Support more mapped field type "Smart Routing" for spool]] [[iMap3Supportmappedfieldtype|8. Support mapped field type "Smart Routing Key" for database]] [[iMap3Supportconditionalmappedfield|9. Support conditional mapped field, sorting and bursting]] [[iMap3ModifytheMappedfield|10. Modify the Mapped field properties window]] [[iMap3Abilitytomodifymappedfield|11. Ability to modify mapped field’s text color]] [[iMap3Uploadmacrofeature|12. Upload macro feature]] [[iMap3PrintandPrintPreviewfeature|13. Print and Print Preview feature]] [[iMap3Alignmentformapfields|14. Alignment for map fields]] [[iMap3MultiplepageperOverlays|15. Multiple page per Overlays]] [[iMap3Rulercomponent|16. Ruler component]] [[iMap3UndoRedocapability|17. Undo/ Redo capability]] [[iMap3Abilitytomanuallyenterlinespacing|18. Ability to manually enter line spacing or line per inch for map filed]] [[iMap3Abilitytomanuallymodify|19. Ability to manually modify "Start Row", "End Row", "Start Col", and "End Col"]] [[iMap3Handgrabber|20. Hand grabber]] [[iMap3AbilitytosaveiMapproject|21. Ability to save iMap project with only one file (*.imp)]] [[iMap3Abilityuploadacheckapplication|22. Ability upload a check application without add two dummy fields check amount and check number]] [[iMap3WhatyouseeontheiMapdesigner|23. What you see on the iMap designer is what you print]]