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Conditional Text and Overlays

Selecting the form or check application with option 11=Conditional displays the following screen:

  9/13/22                     iDocs Form Suite                        FM0466C1  
 12:26:29              Conditional Text and Overlays                  KKRAMER   
  Form: MACMCOND02 Conditional POC                                              
  Type option, press Enter.                                                     
   1=Select   4=Delete                                                          
              Sel  Block Name   Description                                     
                   COND01       Condition 01                                    
                   COND02       Condition 02                                    
 F3=Exit   F6=Add                                                               
Use F6 to add conditions or option 1 to edit an existing condition.

You may specify up to 9,999 blocks of text or macros that are included in the output stream. Optionally, you may specify conditions in the input spool text that if true enable the output.

  9/13/22                     iDocs Form Suite                        FM0466S2  
 12:33:21              Conditional Text and Overlays                  KKRAMER   
 Form: MACMCOND02         Text Block Name: COND01      Condition 01             
               Row:  13   From Column:   2  To Column:   5   OP: =  BILL        
 Macro Name . :           F4=List      Font:   F4=List Arial 9pt Regular        
 Macro  Xloc. :                        Text Xloc:       Yloc:       RelY:       
 Form Side. . : *NONE  F4=List         Appending text to Map Field: BLOCK001    
                                       Remove trailing space (Y/N): Y           
                                  Static Text Information                       
 -What a wonderful place.                                                       
  F3=Exit   F10=Update   F12=Previous                                           

New Functionality within Conditional Text and Overlay option 11 added V6.99 (08/23/22) to dynamically append constant text to the end of a mapped field.

Trigger a condition to insert constant text at the end of a Mapped Field with the options to insert the configured text at the end of the Mapped Field or at the end of the last character of the Mapped Field.

Option 11 Fields and Parameters to Append Text to a Mapped Field:

In the example below…


Insert text at the end of the Mapped Field:

Insert text at the end of the last character of the Mapped Field:

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