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The iDocs SmartRouter™


The iDocs SmartRouter™ is a dataqueue engine that sorts, bursts, filters and routes *SCS spool file on a page by page basis, optionally assigning external printer file attributes. It's distinguishing feature is its ability to work simultaneously with external spool file attributes and spool file content.

The top level container is the SmartRouter Definition. The SmartRouter Definition may contain 9,999 application definitions.

The Application definition is the second level container. It may contain 9,999 targets, and may be conditioned upon 9,999 logical tests.

The Target is the output definition. It may also be conditioned upon 9,999 logical tests..

The Condition is a logical test on an external spool file attribute or internal spool file content. Conditions are used to enable or disable applications and to control output to targets.

The Smart Router is bundled into the iDocs Suite. Older standalone versions may still be installed at customer sites.


The Smart Router is part of the iDocs library and is installed by default. It is a keyed product. Your salesrep can obtain an evaluation license key for you. You will need to install key values PREPRC1 and PREPRC2 using the iDocs key mechanism.


To configure the SmartRouter, issue the command SR3 (SmartRouter) or take option option 13 iDocs Smart Router from the iDocs menu.

Engine Definitions

At the first screen you may create up to 9,999 preprocessor definitions.

  9/14/18                     iDocs SmartRouter                       PR0010H1  
 19:59:20              SR Engine Definition Maintenance               KKRAMER   
 Type options, press enter.                                                     
   2=Change  3=Copy  4=Delete  5=View  7=Rename  8=Start  9=End                 
             Opt SR Engine    Description            Status                     
                 FORMSPLIT    Formsplit              *NONE                      
                 FPTDEMOSR    FPT Demo Smart Route   *NONE                      
                 JCSTMTSR     JC STMT SR             *NONE                      
                 OFACKTEST    Test Ack for Adel W    *NONE                      
                 OFCDASR      CDA Test               *NONE                      
                 OFHCISTSM    HCI Statement SM       *NONE                      
                 OFSAMPLE     Orlando's Sample Eng   *NONE                      
                 OFSMARTENG   Orlando SR Test Eng.   *NONE                      
                 OFWINKLER    Winkler Landscape      *NONE                      
                 PKSLIPSR     Packing Slip Smart     *NONE                      
                 PRNWBURST2   BURST EVERY 2 PAGES    *NONE                      
                 ROCKYSR      Rocky Test             *NONE                      
                 SENTINELSR   Sentinel Smt.Router    *NONE                      
 F3=Exit  F5=Refresh  F6=Add                                                    

Use option 2 to change an existing Smart Router definition or F6 to add a new definition.

  2/26/22                     iDocs SmartRouter                     PR0010R4    
 20:01:06              SR Engine Definition Maintenance             KKRAMER     
  SR Engine Name/Desc: OFACKTEST  Test Ack for Adel W                           
  Data Queue Name/Lib: OFACKDTQ   OFERRER                                       
  Archive Outque/Lib.: ARCHIVE2   OFERRER       Archive/Delete/Hold: D A/D/H                                      
  Process Spool File.: *JOBQ      *CALL, *JOBQ                                  
    Job Queue Name  .: *JOBD      *JOBD, Name                                   
      Library . . . .:   *LIBL                                                  
    Job Priority. . .: *JOBD  1-9, *JOBD                                        
 F4=Prompt   F12=Cancel   Enter-Output Queue Maintenance                        

Do not name the engine beginning with a Q. IBM reserves the letter Q for operating system objects.
Similarly do not use Q as the first letter for the dataqueue name.

Archive/Delete/Hold: A/D/H - SR 6.89 2/26/22
A: Original spool file will be moved to archive queue after processed
D: Original spool file will be deleted after processed
H: Original spool file will be held in current queue after processed
Blank: do nothing with original spool file

To configure the use of a jobqueue for processing rather than default call logic in
versions 3.20 and earlier see Engine Processing Mode.

Press <enter> to proceed to the next configuration screen.

  9/14/18                     iDocs SmartRouter                     PR0055R1    
 20:02:40                   SR Outqueue Maintenance                 KKRAMER     
  SR Engine Name/Desc: OFACKTEST  Test Ack for Adel W                           
  Data Queue Name/Lib: OFACKDTQ   OFERRER                                       
  Archive Outque/Lib.: ARCHIVE2   OFERRER                                       
 Type option, press enter.                                                      
   4=Delete Outqueue                                                            
      .....Outqueue......     Process at                                        
 Opt  Name        Library     Start-up                                          
      IN          OFERRER         N                                             
  F3=Exit  F4=Prompt  F5=Refresh  F12=Cancel                                    

Press <enter> to save changes. Then press F12 to return to the main Smart Router engine listing, then continue the configuration using option 2 - change.


Option 5 - View from the main Smart Router engine listing permits you to drill down to applications contained within the SmartRouter and make any additions or changes to the Targets and Conditions.

  9/14/18                      iDocs SmartRouter                      PR0020H1  
 20:08:59              Application Definition Maintenance             KKRAMER   
  SR Engine Name/Desc: OFACKTEST  Test Ack for Adel W                           
  Data Queue Name/Lib: OFACKDTQ   OFERRER                                       
  Archive Outque/Lib.: ARCHIVE2   OFERRER                                       
 Type option, press enter.                                                      
   3=Copy App  4=Remove App  6=Spoolfile Cond  8=Targets                        
 Opt Engine App Description          Form App  Act                              
     OFACKTEST  Ack test             OFACKADEL2                                 
  F3=Exit  F4=Prompt  F5=Refresh  F12=Cancel                                    

To add and application key its name and description on an empty line and press <enter>.

Form App: This is the name of the associated iDocs form. The form is used to provide mapped field definitions. These definitions can be used to test internal spool file content and map spool file content to output in the targets. This is the sole way the internal spool file content is specified in the Smart Router.

Use option 6 to Work with Conditions for the application. These conditions will be evaluated only for the first page in each spool file, and if they evaluate to TRUE the entire spool file will be processed by the application. All applications with either no conditions or with conditions evaluating to TRUE will process the spool file.

Use option 8 to work with targets for the application. A target is a copy of the spool file that is filtered by the conditions attached to it. Target conditions are evaluated for each page in the spool file and when TRUE the page is written to the target.


  9/14/18                      iDocs SmartRouter                      PR0030H1  
 18:10:52                Target Definition Maintenance                KKRAMER   
  SR Engine Name/Desc..: OFACKTEST  Test Ack for Adel W                         
  Application Name/Desc: OFACKTEST  Ack test                                    
  Form App Reference...: OFACKADEL2                                             
  Type options and press enter:                                                 
    3=Copy, 4=Delete, 6=Conditions, 8=Insert Text                               
       Target Name/Desc....: HANDOFFEQ  IF EQ                                   
       Destination Outq/Lib: HANDOFF    OFERRER                                 
       Output type.........: *COPY      *NONE *PAGE *COPY *BURST *SORT *SORTBRST
       Set SPLF Owner......:            *SPLOWNER, User profile                 
       Override Command....:                                                    
  F3=Exit  F4=Prompt  F5=Refresh  F8=Insert Map Field  F12=Cancel 

This screen shows any existing targets of the application. You can add targets by scrolling down and appending to the list.

Output Type

Output Target Types
*NONEDiscard spool file page, NULL output
*PAGEBurst every page
*COPYOutput un-burst, i.e. all output to the target is in one spool file.
*BURSTBurst output to this target using the bursting definitions in the iDocs form or check specified.
*SORTSor output to this target using the sort definitions in the iDocs form or check specified.
*SORTBRSTSort and burst output to this target using the sorting and bursting definitions in the iDocs form or check specified.


Conditions are entered via option 6, and are attached to applications and/or targets.

  9/14/18                     iDocs SmartRouter                     PR0035H1    
 18:17:03              Target Spoolfile Page Conditions             KKRAMER     
 SR Engine...: OFACKTEST  Test Ack for Adel W                                   
 Application.: OFACKTEST  Ack test                                              
  Form App Ref: OFACKADEL2                                                      
 Target Name/Desc....: HANDOFFEQ  IF EQ                                         
  Destination Outq/Lib: HANDOFF    OFERRER                                      
  Output type.........: *COPY                                                   
                                                        *USRPRF *USRDTA *OUTQUE 
  Line      and  Attribute or           Attribute or    *SPLFILE *FORM *JOBNAME 
   Nbr      or   Mapped Field     Test  Map Fld or Value   *OUTLIB *TOTALPG     
  0001           &TRIGGER         *EQ   *BLANKS                                 
  F3=Exit  F23=Delete  F5=Refresh  F6=Insert  F12=Cancel 

Attribute or Mapped Field

Mapped Field Types
EMAILiMail To Address
TESTBODYtest body
TRIGGERTrigger for SR Condition

There is a feature where you Name objects or conditional list as fields which we defined and they can be reused for many times using the &EMAIL option: Press F8 when cursor is at &EMAIL and the following PR0035W3 window appears:

  9/14/18                     iDocs SmartRouter                     PR0035H1    
 18:17:03              Target Spoolfile Page Conditions             KKRAMER     
 SR                     Testing Values                                          
  F   Field . . : &EMAIL                                                        
 Ta   Test  . . :     *EQ, *LT, *LE, *GT, *GE, *NE, *IN                         
  O   Test value (&MapField, *Attribute,Value, Value1 Value2..)                 
                                                                     TA *OUTQUE 
  L                                                                  M *JOBNAME 
  0                                                        More...              
  0    F4=Prompt  F8=Cond. Named Object  F10=Save                               
  F3=Exit  F23=Delete  F5=Refresh  F6=Insert  F12=Cancel                        
You can now use the F8=Cond. Named Object option to name the object. The PR0036W1 window is displayed as shown below:
  9/14/18                     iDocs SmartRouter                     PR0035H1    
 18:17:03              Target Spoolfile Page Conditions             KKRAMER     
 SR                     Testing Values                                          
 Ap                                                             PR0036W1        
  F   Fi              Named Objects of Conditional Lists                        
 Ta   Te                                                                        
  D        1=Select  2=Edit  4=Delete                                           
  O   Te                                                                        
           Opt Name       Description                                           
               EMAILLINE  Find eMail address on line                      UTQUE 
  L            EVEN2-6    Even Pages 2, 4, 6                              BNAME 
               IDOCS      Test                                            G     
               ODD1-5     Odd Pages 1 - 5                                       
  0            REPORTS    Reports ID                                            
  0    F                                                                        
  0         F3=Exit  F6=Add                                                     

Select a field with option 1 and the PR0035W3 window is displayed as shown below:

  9/14/18                     iDocs SmartRouter                     PR0035H1    
 13:24:46              Target Spoolfile Page Conditions             KKRAMER     
 SR                     Testing Values                                          
 Ap                                                                  6W1.       
  F   Field . . : &EMAIL                                                :       
 Ta   Test  . . : *EQ *EQ, *LT, *LE, *GT, *GE, *NE, *IN                 :       
  D                                                                     :       
  O   Test value (&MapField, *Attribute,Value, Value1 Value2..)         :       
      EMAILADD                                                          :       
                                                                        : UTQUE 
  L                                                                     : BNAME 
                                                                        : G     
  0                                                                     :       
  0                                                                     :       
  0                                                                     :       
  0                                                        More...      :       
  0    F4=Prompt  F8=Cond. Named Object  F10=Save                       :       
  0                                                                     :       
                                                                        : re... 
  F3=Exi :..............................................................:       

Enter a Value i.e.:


Then we can use field EMAILADD to replace long name ‘Webmaster@INFORMDECISIONS’ The Smart Router will check test value as conditional list, if found will replace test value by values which we have defined.

Tests and Keyword descriptions:

  Line      and  Attribute or           Attribute or                            
   Nbr      or   Mapped Field     Test  Map Fld or Value                        
  0001           *SPLFILE         *EQ   QPJOBLOG                                
  0002      AND  *USRPRF          *EQ   QSECOFR                                 

*NENot Equals
*GTGreater Than
*GEGreater Than or Equal To
*LTLess Than
*LELess Than or Equal To

Comparand keyword Meaning
*BLANKS The compared field is blank
*FORM Spool file form type
*JOBNAME Spool file job name
*OUTQUE Spool file outqueue
*OUTLIB Spool file outqueue library
*SPLFILE Spool file name
*TOTALPG Spool file total pages
*USRPRF User profile owning the spool file
*USRDTA Spool file user data

1. The processing priority:


2. Program will deal values above for both 2 fields: ‘Field’ and ‘Test value’. For example, we can define as below:

Field . . : ORLANDO@INFORMDECISIONS.COM                                

Test  . . : *EQ *EQ, *LT, *LE, *GT, *GE, *NE, *IN          


Test value (&MapField, *Attribute,Value, Value1 Value2..)  


3. Regarding test values: ‘Value, Value1 Value2…’ the program compare values as Constants


                 Maintain Conditional List      


  Name: ODD1-5     Description: Odd Pages 1 - 5 



  1 3 5       

                  Testing Values                        

Field . . : &EMAIL                                      

Test  . . : *EQ *EQ, *LT, *LE, *GT, *GE, *NE, *IN       


Test value (&MapField, *Attribute,Value, Value1 Value2..)


It similar to this case below:

                  Testing Values                        


Field . . : &EMAIL                                      

Test  . . : *EQ *EQ, *LT, *LE, *GT, *GE, *NE, *IN       


Test value (&MapField, *Attribute,Value, Value1 Value2..)

1 3 5                      

Insert Text

Spool file text and/or attribute value is entered via option 8.

                               iDocs SmartRouter                      PR0032R1  
                          Insert Text into Spool File                 KKRAMER   
  SR Engine Name/Desc. : EARNINGS1  Example Earning No.1                          
  Application Name/Desc: EARNSRENG  Earning SR Engine                           
  Form App Reference . : EARNADD    Used for Emp.number add                     
  Target Name/Desc . . : HANDOFF    To Handdoff OutQ                            
  Source Spool Text:                                                            
   Map Field : EMPLOYNO1  Or Constant                                           
   From Page :            Output Text To: Row   1 Column  50 Page:              
   Map Field : EMPLOYNO2  Or Constant                                           
   From Page :            Output Text To: Row   1 Column  50 Page:              
   Map Field :            Or Constant                                           
   From Page :            Output Text To: Row     Column     Page:              
   Map Field :            Or Constant                                           
   From Page :            Output Text To: Row     Column     Page:              
 F3=Exit  F2=Conditionally Map F4=Prompt F5=Refresh  F12=Cancel F14=Remove Text

In lieu of text, you can also insert the spool file date attribute value in the Text field. This attribute can be scrapped from the spool file and included in the output. In the “Text” field of the Smart Router Target, add *SPLFDATE into Mapped field name and it will insert spool file create date in US format MM/DD/YY (iDOCS 8.0 04/22/2024)

In addition to the spool file date (iDOCS 8.0 10/01/2024) you can add *SPLFTIME into Mapped field name and it will insert spool file create time in US format HH:MM:SS.

F2=Conditionally Map

On iDocs 6.96 and older… Under the Insert Text function of a Smart Router Application, Conditions were universally applicable to all Mapped Fields listed under the Source Spool Text parameters.

On IDocs 6.97 and newer… Under the Insert Text function of a Smart Router Application, Conditions are now independently applicable to each of the Mapped Fields listed under the Source Spool Text parameters.
When you put the cursor on each of the Mapped Fields and select the F2=Conditionally Map option, you will see a window to apply your condition to the specific Mapped Field. For example, for Mapped Field MAPONE, we can have a condition in which the Mapped Field is not equal (*NE) to - - - - - - (five dashes)

F2=Conditionally Map option on Mapped Field MAPONE displays the screen below:

                               iDocs SmartRouter                      PR0032R1  
                          Insert Text into Spool File                 KKRAMER   
  SR Engine Name/Desc. : EARNINGS1  Example Earning No.1                          
  Application Name/Desc: EARNSRENG  Earning SR Engine                           
  Form App Reference . : EARNADD    Used for Emp.number add                     
:  Conditionally Map Field:    &EMPLOYNO1                                     : 
:                                                                             : 
:    Line#   AND/OR Mapped Field    Test  Value                               : 
:                                                                             : 
:    0001             *NE   -----                                             : 
:    0002                                                                     : 
:    0003                                                                     : 
:                                                                     More... : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
For the second Mapped Field MAPTWO, we can have a condition in which the Mapped Field is not equal (*NE) to *BLANK
                               iDocs SmartRouter                      PR0032R1  
                          Insert Text into Spool File                 KKRAMER   
  SR Engine Name/Desc. : EARNINGS1  Example Earning No.1                          
  Application Name/Desc: EARNSRENG  Earning SR Engine                           
  Form App Reference . : EARNADD    Used for Emp.number add                     
:  Conditionally Map Field:    &EMPLOYNO2                                     : 
:                                                                             : 
:    Line#   AND/OR Mapped Field    Test  Value                               : 
:                                                                             : 
:    0001             *NE   *BLANK                                            : 
:    0002                                                                     : 
:    0003                                                                     : 
:                                                                     More... : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 
:                                                                             : 

On IDocs 6.97 and newer continued
F4 Prompt in the Page: field will specify where the inserted text will appear. Enter *FIRST, *LAST, *EXTB, *EXTE, *2NDLS or certain page number where text will be displayed.
Page: field parameters on the Insert Text into Spool File screen are as follows:

Starting and Ending a SmartRouter™ Engine

  9/14/18                     iDocs SmartRouter                       PR0010H1  
 19:42:35              SR Engine Definition Maintenance               KKRAMER   
 Type options, press enter.                                                     
   2=Change  3=Copy  4=Delete  5=View  7=Rename  8=Start  9=End                 
             Opt SR Engine    Description            Status                     
                 FORMSPLIT    Formsplit              *NONE                      
                 FPTDEMOSR    FPT Demo Smart Route   *NONE                      
                 JCSTMTSR     JC STMT SR             *NONE                      
                 OFACKTEST    Test Ack for Adel W    *NONE                      
                 OFCDASR      CDA Test               *NONE                      
                 OFHCISTSM    HCI Statement SM       *NONE                      
                 OFSAMPLE     Orlando's Sample Eng   *NONE                      
                 OFSMARTENG   Orlando SR Test Eng.   *NONE                      
                 OFWINKLER    Winkler Landscape      *NONE                      
                 PKSLIPSR     Packing Slip Smart     *NONE                      
                 PRNWBURST2   BURST EVERY 2 PAGES    *NONE                      
                 ROCKYSR      Rocky Test             *NONE                      
                 SENTINELSR   Sentinel Smt.Router    *NONE                      
 F3=Exit  F5=Refresh  F6=Add                                                    

Select option 8 to start, option 9 to end. You must specify a job queue into which the engine is launched. The job queue must feed into a batch subsystem. Job queue QS36EVOKE is configured as a multi threaded job queue leading into subsystem QBATCH by default in i5/OS as shipped from IBM; this is usually a good choice. You can also use FMGJOBQ but should check that it is multi threaded first.

Engine Processing Mode

Versions 3.11 - 3.20:

This functionality was removed in version 3.30. See the second configuration screen.

As shipped the SmartRouter engine processes jobs serially as part of the engine thread, i.e. it invokes the Smart Routing processor using a 'CALL' command.

Because the processor opens a spool file for each possible target for each input spool file, it can quickly exhaust the maximum number of spool files in the system value QMAXSPLF. Therefore, one can configure the engine to process spool files in a separate thread using 'SBMJOB' rather than 'CALL'.

In the library PRRLOAD3 is a data area PRJOBQ. The engine loads this data area upon startup. If it is blank the engine will 'CALL' the SmartRouting processor; if it contains the name of a jobqueue it will use 'SBMJOB' to submit the Smart Routing processor to the jobqueue named in the data area. The data area must be in the engine library list. If the processor is separately invoked into a jobqueue for each input spool file each processing will start a new spool file number sequence.

Scheduling Engine Start / Stop


Add the following entry to the schedule jobs:



Do not use Q as the first letter of an engine definition. Q is reserved for operating system objects.
Do not name engines names in use elsewhere on your system. Give the engine a truly unique name.

Note that the JOB parameter, specifying job name, must precisely match the Smart Router engine definition name. This is done to provide a means of recognising the engine when ending the engine from the scheduled jobs function (see below).


To end a SmartRouter engine from the job scheduler, presuming that the job name is unique on your system, add this command to the job schedule:


where SRENGINE is the job name of the engine and name of the Smart Router engine configuration.
Warning -- job selection is by job name and if you specify this incorrectly you can shut down any job so named, including operating system jobs.
Do not use Q as the first letter of an engine definition. Q is reserved for operating system objects.

Upgrading the Smart Router

Smart Router upgrades in iDocs version 6 are part of COPYDATA, the iDocs migration utility. If upgrading from an earlier release of the standalone Smart Router follow the below instructions.

To manually upgrade the Smart Router into the version integrated into the iDocs Suite please do the following:







where JOBQUEUE is the name of a job queue from PRRLOADOLD/PRJOBQ.

Exporting / Importing Smart Router Applications

They are 02 commands: SAVIFDSR to save SR applications and RSTIFDSR to restore SR applications

                   Save Smart Router Applications (SAVIFDSR)              
Type choices, press Enter.                                                
Smart Router Name(s) . . . . . .   __________    Name, *ALL               
               + for more values   __________                             
Save to file . . . . . . . . . .   __________    Name                     
  Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     *CURLIB     Name, *CURLIB            
Smart Router library . . . . . .   *LIBL         Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB     
Target release . . . . . . . . .   *CURRENT      *CURRENT, *PRV, V4R4M0...

Details of SAVIFDSR:
+ Smart Router Name(s): specify one, several or all SR applications user wants to save
+ Save to file: specify the save file where SR applications will be saved into
+ Smart Router library: specify the production library of Smart Router. The data of SR files in this library will be saved

                     Restore Smart Router Apps (RSTIFDSR)              
Type choices, press Enter.                                                
Restore from save file . . . . .   __________    Name                     
  Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     *CURLIB     Name, *CURLIB            
Smart Router library . . . . . .   *LIBL         Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB     
Overwrite existing application     *NO           *YES, *NO

Details of RSTIFDSR:
+ Restore from save file: specify the Save file contains the SR applications saved
+ Smart Router library: specify the production library of Smart Router. The SR saved applications will be restored to this library
+ Overwrite existing application: specify whether the existing applications in production library will be overwritten or not.

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