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General Questions and Answers

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My PCOMM Session is either extremely slow or non responsive to input.

PCOMM is extremely sensitive to other NON KEYBOARD devices such as barcode scanners and other Human Input Devices in Windows.

My outqueue doesn't have a writer associated with it (or it is not started).

You can confirm this by going into wrkoutq, look for your printer outqueue and see if a writer is associated with it. If you do not see anything, go to a command line and type in strrmtwtr (START REMOTE WRITER)“,

What is the lowest OS/400 level the program CUSTSAVE saves down to?


Suppress Form Type mismatch message.

To suppress the message, enter command:

What is a data queue?

Data queues, which are a type of OS/400 system object, are used to communicate and store data used by several programs either within a job or between jobs. Multiple jobs can send or receive data from a single queue.

When using FTP, it doesn’t prompt me for a user id.

Your FTP user session has timed out. The default time out for an FTP session is five minutes. Simply start the transfer procedure above over again.

Restore an object on AS/400


use dspobj to look at whats in object

How do I move the macros and soft fonts to the AS/400?

A. There are two most commonly used methods of transferring PC files to the AS/400. For users of client-access, the following steps need to be taken:

· Position the mouse pointer over the My Computer icon and right click the mouse.

· From the right click menu, select Map Network Drive.

· Once at the Map Network Drive window, select the drive that you wish to assign to the shared folder in the Drive prompt.

· From the same Map Network Drive window, at the Path prompt enter the path name of the FORMFMG folder in the following format. Next select the OK button \\systemname\QDLS\FORMFMG

· At this point a mapped drive to the AS/400 should be established. You should be able to simply drag and drop your forms from your current directory to your shared folder on the AS/400 from windows explorer. Non client-access users need to use FTP to transfer their forms to the AS/400. The procedures to do so are outlined below.

· Log into the AS/400 as QSECOFR and issue the following command to ensure that the FTP server is currently running:


· From the PC choose the start button from the task bar and select run.

· When the run form appears, type : Command

· Press the enter key.

· From the DOS prompt, change to the directory containing the forms and soft fonts.

· Follow the ftp underlined script below to send the files from the PC to the 400:

ftp> open system name 
user: qsecofr 
password: password 
ftp> type binary 
ftp> put c:\myform.mac /qdls/formfmg/myform.mac 
ftp> quit

I would like to include a command in the startup IPL sequence to submit the engine. How do I do this? Moreover what program do I call to end the engine?

To include a command in the startup IPL sequence program the following command in the QSTRUP command language program:


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