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IFDUTILITY iDocs Utility Menu System: DEVV6CLT Select one of the following: iDocs Engine Options 1. Create FMGBATCH Subsystem CRTFMGSBS 2. Schedule an Engine to Start/stop ADDFMGSCDE iDocs Save and Restore Options 3. Save a Spool File SAVSPLF 4. Save iDocs Form/Check SAVIFDFRM 5. Save iDocs Formset SAVIFDSET 6. Save iDocs Engine SAVIFDENG 7. Restore a Spool File RSTSPLF 8. Restore iDocs Form/Check RSTIFDFRM 9. Restore iDocs Formset RSTIFDSET 10. Restore iDocs Engine RSTIFDENG 11. Restore Demonstration Applications DEMOSETUP 12. Export database to XML CNVDB2XML 13. Import database from XML CNVXML2DB iDocs Save and Restore Options (Continue) 15. Save iDocs data SAVEIDATA iDocs System Options 16. Create a Remote Out Queue CRTIPOUTQ 17. System Information SYSINFO 18. Add FMG Directory Entry ADDFMGDIRE iDocs Administration 20. Register inFORM Decisions Products 21. Register iFAX 22. Setup iPDF PCL to PDF Converter 23. Reset iCheck Password
If FMGBATCH subsystem does not already exist this option creates it. By default it reserves 4 MB of storage for the subsystem and has a maximum of 2 concurrent jobs; that allows one engine to run in the subsystem and permits the end engine option to work. FMGJOBQ jobqueue is created to route jobs into the subsystem.
Following are the steps to create FMG subsystem: - Create class - Create job queue - Create job description - Create subsystem description - Add job queue entry - Add routing table entry Details are below: 1. Create class (or user can use the existing class): define priority and wait time for running jobs · CRTCLS CLS(&LIB/FMGCLS) RUNPTY(15) TIMESLICE(500) PURGE(*NO) DFTWAIT(120) TEXT('iDocs Subsystem Class') 2. Create job queue (or user can use the system job queue QBATCH): job queue contains entries for job that are waiting to be processed by the system · CRTJOBQ JOBQ(&LIB/FMGJOBQ) TEXT(‘iDocs Job Queue’) 3. Create job description · CRTJOBD JOBD(&LIB/FMGJOBD) JOBQ(&LIB/FMGJOBQ) TEXT('iDocs Job Description') RTGDTA('iDocs Job') Or using QBATCH · CRTJOBD JOBD(&LIB/FMGJOBD) JOBQ(&LIB/QBATCH) TEXT('iDocs Job Description') RTGDTA('iDocs Job') 4. Create subsystem · CRTSBSD SBSD(QGPL/FMGBATCH) POOLS((1 *BASE *N)) MAXJOBS(*NOMAX) TEXT('iDocs Subsystem') 5. Add job queue entry · ADDJOBQE SBSD(QGPL/FMGBATCH) JOBQ(QGPL/FMGJOBQ) MAXACT(*NOMAX) SEQNBR(10)MAXPTY1(*NOMAX) 6. Add routing table entry · ADDRTGE SBSD(&LIB/FMGBATCH) SEQNBR(9999) CMPVAL(*ANY) PGM(QSYS/QCMD) CLS(&LIB/FMGCLS)
This option creates job schedule entries to start and stop engines. The job schedule, an OS/400 utility, may be viewed with WRKJOBSCDE command. You must uniquely name the start and end jobs.
IMPORTANT: If you want the engine status to display in the engine list display, you must give as the start job name the name of the engine. See the example immediately below:
iDocs Schedule Entry (ADDFMGSCDE) Type choices, press Enter. Schedule Multiple Engines: iDocs engine name . . . . . . MYENGINE Value, or F4 for list Starting Job Name . . . . . . MYENGINE Character value Starting Scheduled Time . . . 09:00:00 00:00:00-24:00:00 Ending Job Name . . . . . . . ENDMYENG Character value Ending Schedule Time . . . . . 17:00:00 00:00:00-24:00:00 + for more values
Use this option to save a *SCS spool file into a folder. Use the Restore A Spool File option below to restore.
Use this option to save a form, check, form set, or engine definition into a savefile.
FMGCUST library is created if not present. The data is copied into files in FMGCUST. Savefile FMGSAVF in FMG is created if not present and is otherwise cleared. Library FMGCUST is saved into FMGSAVF.
If email addresses are specified and iMail is installed, the savefile FMGSAVF may be emailed.
Use this option to save an iDocs formset into a savefile.
Use this option to save an iDocs engine definition and all of its associated components into a savefile.
This option restores a form application saved with SAVIFDFRM into the selected library.
This option restores a formset and related applications saved with SAVIFDSET into the selected library.
This option restores a engine and all related applications saved with SAVIFDENG into the selected library.
Used to restore demonstration form applications.
This Export utility allows a user to export the data of database to the XML format.
Output database to XML format (CNVDB2XML) Type choices, press Enter. From database . . . . . . . . . Name Library . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB... Replace existing XML file . . . *NO *YES, *NO Codepage . . . . . . . . . . . . *DEFAULT 1-65535, *DEFAULT IFS path of XML file . . . . . . Bottom F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display F24=More keys
Notes: The data of database must not contain the unprintable ASCII characters, such as Null (0x00), Escape (0x1B)… or the conversion program for database importing might fail.
This Import utility allows a user to import a XML formatted file to a new or existing database.
Import database from XML file (CNVXML2DB) Type choices, press Enter. To database . . . . . . . . . . Name Library . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB... Restore database object . . . . *NO *YES, *NO Codepage . . . . . . . . . . . . *DEFAULT 1-65535, *DEFAULT IFS path of XML file . . . . . . Bottom F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display F24=More keys
Notes: The data of XML file must not contain the unprintable ASCII characters, such as Null (0x00), Escape (0x1B)… or the conversion program might fail.
Use this option to save an entire iDocs library to a designated save file.
Creates a remote outqueue with specified parameters. A front end to OS/400 system commands.
Displays system information useful to iDocs users and inFORM Decisions support.
Any interactive user profile or profile running a batch engine must have an entry in the system directory. You can add these entries manually with the WRKDIRE command. This option is a front end to the OS/400 commands.
Enter most license keys here. Presently the only key not entered here is for iFax, which is entered through the following menu option.
Enter iFax key using this option. All other keys should be entered using the Register inFORM Decisions Products option above.
Before a pcl to pdf conversion is first attempted after installation, or after upgrading the iPDF converter, the command IPDFSETUP should be run. Specify the name of the library containing the converter programs. This is usually FMG. This option deletes and recreates the /ipdf directory in the ifs.
Contact inform Decisions customer support for assistance with this procedure.
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