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iView 8 Front End Use

Log-In Screen

Log-In Window:

1 All active IBMi Profiles
2 Individually assigned users

Screen Areas

Archive Screens

Import Documents via data lookup from an external file

In Archive Configuration, select the archive and define the mapping fields to lookup:

Define the library and name of the external lookup file, then for each INDEX field, define the mapping fields from external file as well as the Comparison type (= : exact match, <> : doesn’t match; LIKE : similar values)

Then, in the Import Document screen, enter the searchable value in Index field and either click ‘Search in Metadata File’ which it will search from iView metadata file, or ‘Search in External File’ which it will search from the file we defined in Archive Configuration screen:

Then Click Submit to import file into the iView archive

Signing Documents Using Signature Capture

You can sign captured documents by using iSign


To enable signatures in an archive:

The archive is now ready to accept documents for signature.


The document must be archived through an engine or through option 15 - manual import.

Archive Structure

Documents in pending signature status can not be searched for in the regular archive, and vice versa. Clicking changes the document status to regular archived document.

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