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iBridge Overview

iBridge: Cross platform content management for IBMi generated spool files

Enables *SCS spooled file content to be migrated from the IBMi to alternative platforms such as Windows or a Unix Server, transformed to PDF, RTF , TXT conversion formats.

 IBRIDGE               iBridge Report Distribution System                       
   iBridge Administration                                                       
      1. Schedule iBridge out queue capture             SCDQQC                  
      2. Put Queue                                      MPUTQ                   
      3. Print Distribution Log                         IBRIDGELOG              
      4. Run iBridge API                                IBRIDGE                 
   iBridge Registration                                                         
     10. License iBridge                                LICQQC                  
 F1=Help   F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                 

pub/crossplatform.1534450813.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/25 17:02 (external edit)