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If you are using iMail standalone, then add your iMail library to your library list. Otherwise, iMail is a menu option off the iDocs main menu.
The main iMail menu appears below:
IMAIL iMail Menu 6.96 11.30.20 iMail Administration 1. Configure iMail CFGMAIL 2. Work with Log WRKMAILLOG 3. Work with Users WRKMAILDST 4. Work with Groups WRKMAILGRP 5. Work with Administration WRKMAILADM iMail Functions 10. Work with Spooled Files WRKSPLINF 11. Send Database File SNDDBF 12. Send Email Message SNDMAIL Configure iMail Server 21. Work with iMail Server WRKMAILSVR 22. Start iMail Server STRMAILSVR 23. End iMail Server ENDMAILSVR More... Selection F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel © Copyright 1994, 2008 inFORM Decisions All Rights Reserved.
The first menu group, iMail Administraion deals primarily with the setup, configuration and security of iMail.
Selecting this option, and supplying the necessary protocols and defaults is required in order for iMail to function properly.
The screen below displays the current configuration settings.
12/01/16 iMail IMCFGC1 08:10:36 inFORM Decisions iMail Configuration QSECOFR Configuration Setting Configuration Value Domain Name. . . . . . . . . . inFORMDecisions.com Organization Name. . . . . . . inFORM Decisions Email Send Method.(SMTP/ESMTP) SMTP SMTP Host Mail Server. . . . . SMTP Port. . . . . . . . . . . 00025 Local Host Mail Client . . . . Sender Address . . . . . . . . admin@yourdomain.com Default From Address . . . . . admin@yourdomain.com Default Reply To Address . . . admin@yourdomain.com Authentication User Name . . . Authentication Password. . . . Authentication Encrypted (Y/N) N Auto wrap message length . . . 1900 Force Socket End (*YES/*NO). . *YES Remove Over Printing (*YES/*NO) *NO Auto Recipient Domain (*YES/*NO *NO Log outgoing mail (ON/OFF) . . ON More. . . F3=Exit F10=Save F12=Cancel F13=Configure Environment F14=2nd SMTP
The configuration settings above are detailed below with their defaults, options and requirements.
10/27/17 iMail IMCFGC1 08:10:39 inFORM Decisions iMail Configuration QSECOFR Debug iMail (ON/OFF) . . . . . ON XLS Col from column text (Y/C/B C PDF Orientation . . . . . . . *SYSDFT TLS/SSL Required (TLS/SSL) TLS Application id for certificate Use Java Mail (ON/OFF) . . . . ON iMail Batch Job Queue. . . . . Run Java Mail in Thread (YES/NO) Ifs path for message macro file /imail/ iMail signature folder . . . . /home/user/imail_signatures Bottom F3=Exit F10=Save F12=Cancel F13=Configure Environment F14=2nd SMTP Press enter to continue.
Use F13=Configure Environment for more environmental options.
Use F14=2nd SMTP to specify a specify a second SMTP Host Mail Server if the first one does not connect (6.92).
Configuration parameters that have been removed from prior versions:
Submit Process to Batch (YES/NO) - This field is YES will set the default value in Batch Mode of ESNDSPLFD to Y. This field is NO or blank will set the default value in Batch Mode of ESNDSPLFD to N. ESNDSPLFD is a convenient API command which programmers can embed it to their programs. This command can: Send an SCS spool file or merge SCS spool file with iDocs form/check/form set, then email output PCL.
Keep iMail Batch Log (YES/NO) - YES will keep the job log of iMail batch jobs and log CL commands. It is actually parameters in SBMJOB LOG(4 0 *MSG) LOGCLPGM(*YES) SPLFACN(*KEEP).
Run Java Mail in Batch (YES/NO) -
Batch Mode = Y and Run Java Mail in Batch = Y: manual merge program (if FORMAPP is specified in command ESNDSPLFD) and iMail process are executed in same job of batch mode
Batch Mode = N and Run Java Mail in Batch = Y: manual merge program (if FORMAPP is specified in command ESNDSPLFD) is executed in interactive mode and iMail process is executed in Batch mode
Batch Mode = Y and Run Java Mail in Batch = N: manual merge program (if FORMAPP is specified in command ESNDSPLFD) and iMail process are executed in same job of batch mode
Batch Mode = N and Run Java Mail in Batch = N: manual merge program (if FORMAPP is specified in command ESNDSPLFD) and iMail process are executed in same interactive job
This environment setting is available to configure by selecting F13. Doing so renders the screen below:
12/01/16 iMail 6.91 IM6000D1 13:40:00 iMail Control Maintenance KKRAMER System Information: Serial Number. . .: 10AE7BC Model Number . . .: 520 Logical Partition.: 000 OS version . . . .: V5R3M0 Maintenance Information: Target IFS Directory: imail Default Library. . .: IDOCS Default Code Page. .: 819 DIF file Code Page .: 819 JAR Files Directory.: F1=Help F3=Exit F10=Save F12=Cancel
The first portion of this display shows only the System i information useful for licensing and compatibility purposes. The lower half, Maintenance Information, enables the configurable settings to be changed. By in large, these settings will retain the default shipped values. However, to be as configurable, these values are exposed and may be changed.
Note: You can check the existence of ifdjava.jar in /QIBM/UserData/Java400/ext with the command:
WRKLNK ‘/QIBM/UserData/Java400/ext/ifdjava.jar’.
If the JAR file is missing from your system, you can restore it with the following command: RST DEV('/qsys.lib/currentiMaillibrary.lib/jarfiles.file') OBJ(('/qibm/userdata/java400/ext/ifdjava.jar'))
If a path is not specified in the iMail configuration, you can use CLASSPATH to specify the ifdjava.jar at the system level and when any java job is started, ifdjava.jar is loaded accordingly. Note: If not using the JAVA iMail option to send emails you can ignore CLASSPATH, but some RPG options still require JAVA. i.e. if using iMail to send a Data Base file to XML a JAVA method is utilized. If the ifdjava.jar file resides in QIBM you do not need CLASSPATH.
The F14 (6.92) configures a second SMTP Host Mail Server if the first one does not connect is available. Doing so renders the screen below:
8/16/18 iMail IM4300R1 11:52:30 Secondary SMTP Settings KKRAMER Settings Method (SMTP/ESMTP). : SMTP SMTP name. . . . . . : relay.rclick.com Port . . . . . . . . : 25 Auth. Encrypted (Y/N): N Auth. User Name. . . : Auth. Password . . . : TLS/SSL Required . . : Use Javamail (Y/N) . : N Schedule day .: (Y=Select) MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN Y Y Y Y Y Schedule time : Start Time (HHMM): 1500 End Time . (HHMM): 2300 F3=Exit F10=Save F12=Previous © Copyright 1994-2018 inFORM Decisions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
These are the settings for 2nd SMTP and you can schedule for the time it is active. Once the iMail program runs during this active time, the 2nd SMTP settings will be effective.
The majority of the configurable user setttings have a corresponding user interface from which to change these settings. The same is not true of others. Forturnately, the number of settings lacking a user interface are few, and the need to change these settings are limited.
These configurations are controlled through data areas. The data areas themselves may be changed with the OS command change data area, CHGDTAAARA followed by the data area name.
The following lists these data areas, their meaning, and their possible settings:
Option 2 from the iMail menu allows an administrator to view the status of out going emails from the System i. No preliminary configuration for this option is necessary. Illustrated in the screen shot, a log of previously sent email displays in descending chronological order.
Note: What is displayed on the log is controlled by the Data area DSMLOGAUT.
3/23/24 iMail IMEMLOGC1 13:35:38 iMail Send Log QSECOFR 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Resend 8=Mail log 9=Forward Mail Opt Date Time Sts Subject 06/05/17 21:48:54 Sent Test Subject 06/05/17 21:48:37 Sent Test Subject 06/05/17 21:45:45 Sent No toaddress 05/27/17 17:33:25 Sent CLLE ESNDSPLF Testing 6 of 6 05/27/17 17:33:19 Sent CLLE ESNDSPLF Testing 5 of 6 05/27/17 17:33:13 Sent CLLE ESNDSPLF Testing 4 of 6 05/27/17 17:33:07 Sent CLLE ESNDSPLF Testing 3 of 6 05/27/17 17:33:02 Sent CLLE ESNDSPLF Testing 2 of 6 05/27/17 17:32:56 Sent CLLE ESNDSPLF Testing 1 of 6 05/27/17 17:32:51 Sent ESNDMSG Test 6 of 6 wrapping at 78 Characte 05/27/17 17:32:50 Sent ESNDMSG Test 5 of 6 wrapping at 78 Characte 05/27/17 17:32:49 Sent ESNDMSG Test 4 of 6 wrapping at 78 Characte More... PAGE: 1 / 790 F3=Exit F5=Reload F7=Find F8=Purge F11=Next view F12=Previous
Forward iMail Transaction (EFWDLOG) Type choices, press Enter. iMail Log ID (ELMAILID) . . . . > 202404011025400830000000 To Address . . . . . . . . . . . ken@informdecisions.com Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . *SAME Bottom F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display F24=More keysParamaters:
The F8 function runs the PRGMAILLOG command to purge the email log file.
9/30/21 iMail IMEMLOGC2 09:57:32 iMail Send Log KKRAMER ........................................................... 4=De : Purge iMail Log : : : : Press Enter to Purge : Opt : : : Sent From : : : Sent To . : : : Status. . : SNT, SND, ERR : : From Date : 20210101 YYYYMMDD : : To Date . : 20210101 YYYYMMDD : : User ID . : : : : : F12=Cancel : : : :.........................................................: 09/29/2021 07:48:36 SNT orlando@informdecisions.com 09/29/2021 06:46:45 SNT noreply@informdecisions.com More... CONFIRM: N (Y/N)Fill in the desired Purge parameters and press Enter. Confirm with a Y and press Enter again to initiate the purge.
Pressing the F11 function key changes the current view of the logged messages to reveal more properties of logged email messages. Pressing the F11 once more reveals a third view of messages.
9/30/21 iMail IMEMLOGC2 11:46:58 iMail Send Log KKRAMER 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Resend Opt Date Time Sts From Address 06/04/2018 10:59:12 SNT noreply@informdecisions.com 06/04/2018 10:32:32 SNT noreply@informdecisions.com 06/04/2018 02:42:25 SNT noreply@informdecisions.com 06/04/2018 02:37:56 SNT noreply@informdecisions.com 06/04/2018 02:34:24 SNT noreply@informdecisions.com 06/04/2018 00:29:21 SNT noreply@informdecisions.com 06/01/2018 18:00:09 SNT 06/01/2018 17:59:35 SNT 06/01/2018 17:20:02 ERR noreply@informdecisions.com 06/01/2018 17:19:32 SNT noreply@informdecisions.com 06/01/2018 16:23:42 SNT noreply@informdecisions.com 06/01/2018 15:50:58 SNT noreply@informdecisions.com More... PAGE: 1 / 790 F3=Exit F5=Reload F7=Find F8=Purge F11=Next view F12=Previous
The screen below illustrates the fourth view of email messages.
9/30/21 iMail IMEMLOGC2 11:48:04 iMail Send Log KKRAMER 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Resend ------------ Job ----------- Opt Date Time Sts Name User Number 06/04/2018 10:59:12 SNT QPADEV000B OFERRER 398492 06/04/2018 10:32:32 SNT QPADEV000B OFERRER 398492 06/04/2018 02:42:25 SNT TTRANA0 TTRAN 398456 06/04/2018 02:37:56 SNT TTRANA0 TTRAN 398456 06/04/2018 02:34:24 SNT TTRANA0 TTRAN 398456 06/04/2018 00:29:21 SNT TTRANC0 TTRAN 398440 06/01/2018 18:00:09 SNT OUTASXLS OFERRER 398301 06/01/2018 17:59:35 SNT OUTASPDF OFERRER 398300 06/01/2018 17:20:02 ERR QPADEV000B OFERRER 397938 06/01/2018 17:19:32 SNT QPADEV000B OFERRER 397938 06/01/2018 16:23:42 SNT QPADEV000B OFERRER 397938 06/01/2018 15:50:58 SNT QPADEV000B OFERRER 397938 More... PAGE: 1 / 790 F3=Exit F5=Reload F7=Find F8=Purge F11=Next view F12=Previous
Lastly selecting any one entry from the list with an option 5, displays the details of the message sent with the recipients, and attachments.
6/04/18 iMail IMEMLOGC6 11:43:56 iMail Send Log KKRAMER Message Details Send Date & Time: 06/04/2018 10:59:12 Status. . . . . : SNT Message ID. . . : 201806041059123290000000 Sending Job . . : QPADEV000BOFERRER 398492 Subject . . . . : test ASITEST2 From. . . . . . : noreply@informdecisions.com To. . . . . . . : orlando@informdecisions.com CC. . . . . . . : Attachment. . . : /imail/IDOCLASER398492000003.pdf F3=Exit F12=CancelNote: In 6.94 by default the logged email entries are no longer encrypted on the data base. To maintain the data base encryption of the log entries, set the Data Area DSLOGENCRY = ‘Y’ and emailed logging will be encrypted as in prior versions.
Option 3 from the iMail menu allows two tables of email contacts to be created and maintained. The initial table of email contacts lists all the public addresses. That is, the email addresses are shared among all users on the system. The optional table of email contacts lists all the private email addresses created by the user currently logged into the session. In this way, a user can create their own list of email address for their own use without making these email address public to other users.
In most PC based email systems this type of distribution list would be limited to a table confined to potential recipients. This is not true of iMail. Although recipient email addresses can be created here, sender email addresses are created and maintained in this program as well. Moreover, once a sender’s email address is created that address can be associated with an AS/400 User profile. In this way, when sending an email a user’s originating email address can automatically be generated.
Work with public distribution list, shows the initial public table of email addresses. The maintenance program uses the standard editing options and functions keys to maintain the list. Using an option 1 next to the email address enables that entry to be edited, whereas pressing the F6 key adds a new record to the email table.
10/16/20 iMail IM0610C1 11:49:23 Work with distribution list QSECOFR 1=Select 4=Delete 5=View 6=Delete Name from List and all Distribution Groups 7=Selectively Delete Name from Distribution Groups 8=View Groups Current View: *PUBLIC address book Able_________________________ ______________________________________________ Name iMail Address Able Adams able@adams.com Alan Garske alan.garske@informdecisions.com Anh Nguyen anh@informdecisions.com BB bb@informdecisions.com Billy Barstow billy@barstow.com Carl Bush cbush@aol.com Charlie Camareo charlie@camareo.com Daniel Durrango DanielDurrango.com Eddie Eastwood eddie@eastwood.com Frank Furter frank@furter.com George Adams gadams@hotmail.com Hillary Clinton hclinton@popularvote.gov More... F3=Exit F6=Add F9=Public/Private Address Book F11=Sort by Email F12=Cancel Press enter to continue.
Option 8=View Groups to see what group(s) this user is belong to. This makes it easier to see all the groups one individual belongs to in the address book. (V6.89+)
F9= only those email addresses created by the current user will be displayed. Note that the user profile, EMAILUSER, is displayed above the list of private emails.
F11= Toggles between 'Sort by Email' and 'Sort by Name'. 6.95+ provides a starting position by entering a string of characters on the starting line above the name or email address. Enter the starting point and Press F11.
4/01/18 iMail IM0610S2 17:50:14 Work with distribution list QSECOFR First Name. .: Able Last Name . .: Adams Display Name.: Able Adams E-Mail. . . .: able@adams.com Nickname. . .: AbleA Attach Type .: *PDF F4=List Work Number .: Home Number .: Fax Number. .: Pager Number.: Cell Number .: User Profile.: F4=List F3=Exit F10=Update F12=Previous
An entry is selected to edit with an option 1, and the preceeding screen will be displayed, and may used to enter in the detailed information associated with a user.
User Profile - when the IBM i user profile is assigned to this field and the user is logged in to IBM i, iMail will use the user's email address as the From address overriding any Default From Address in iMail. Use with caution as a From Address isn't allowed if using Outlook 365.
Note: In all instances, the stored Group Name should not contain any spaces or special characters.
6/23/07 iMail 3.0 IM0650C1 17:52:31 Work with Distribution Groups QSECOFR Current View: *PUBLIC address book 1=Select 3=Copy 4=Delete 7=Rename Sel Group Name Description TEST Bottom F3=Exit F6=Add F12=Cancel Press enter to continue.
6/23/07 iMail 3.0 IM0650C3 17:53:50 Work with Distribution Groups QSECOFR Current View: 1=Select 4=Delete Group Name . . . .: TEST Group Description.: Test Group Sel Name E-Mail Address F3=Exit F6=Add F12=Cancel
6/23/07 iMail 3.0 IM0650S5 17:55:33 Work with Distribution Groups QSECOFR Group. . . : TEST Description: Teset Display Name . . : Email Address. . : F3=Exit F4=Search F10=Update F12=Cancel
6/23/07 iMail 3.0 IM0650S5 ............................................................................... : : : Last First iMail : : Position: : : 1=Select : : Opt Name iMail Address : : AATestLink erick@informdecisions.com : : AbleAdams able@adams.com : : AddedGarske addedgarske@informdecisions.com : : Added Now addednow@informdecisions.com : : AlanGarske alan.garske@informdecisions.com : : AAAA AA@informdecisions.com : : BillClinton bill@whitehouse.gov : : BillyBarstow billy@barstow.com : : BB bb@informdecisions.com : : CharlieCamareo charlie@camareo.com : : DanielDurrango Daniel Durrango.com : : DavisYokana davis@informdecisions.com : : EddieEastwood eddie@eastwood.com : : FrankFurter frank@furter.com + : : F11=Filter F12=Previous : : : :.............................................................................:
This menu item 5 deals specifically with two types of administrative settings: numerous default settings within the iMail WRKSPLINF command and several access authorizations to WRKSPLINF functions.
Only the user profile QSECOFR has authority to select this option and change the default settings. If any other user attempts to change the settings, a message will appear notifying the user that proper authorization is necessary to update these settings.
For each of the following settings and defaults being set, the scope and impact of each setting will be explained in detail. All of these settings relate to the global use and authorization of the command WRKSPLINF. A future enhancement will provide a system that will enable individual user profiles specific access to the functions of WRKSPLINF. WRKSPLINF itself allows a user to select a spool file as an attachment in an email and determine the format of the spool.
Once chosen, the screen below should be displayed:
12/21/16 iMail IM0700 17:59:48 iMail Administration QSECOFR Type information, press Enter. Allow to use WRKSPLINF (Y/N) . . : Y Allow Selection by USER (Y/N) . : Y Initial User to View. . . . . : *CURRENT F4=List Allow Change USER . (Y/N) . : Y Allow Selection by OUTQ (Y/N) . : Y Initial OUTQ to View . . . . : *ALL F4=List Allow Change OUTQ . (Y/N) . : Y Send type default . . . . . . : *PDF F4=List Allow change Send type (Y/N) . : Y Allow change From Address (Y/N) : Y Allow to use SNDDBF (Y/N) . . . . : Y F3=Exit F10=Save F12=Cancel