[ Configure Data Mapping ]

Box Settings

Defining a box creates a box around mapped field text. The box can be defined with borders and with a background color.
The box is around the text, and therefore contracts and expands with the text.

  2/23/12                      iDocs Form Suite                       FM2540S3  
 21:50:19                    Map Field Maintenance                    DYOKANA   
  Form Name. . . . . .  DUPLBACK@    Field Name . . . PAGE#                     
                                     Description. . . PAGE# backside            
 Box Settings                                                                   
  Using Box . . . . . . . . *YES        *NO, *YES                               
  Interior Padding (in DPI)                                                     
    Left. . .    5    Top . . .    3                                            
    Right . .    3    Bottom. .    5                                            
  Background Color. . . . . *YELLOW                                             
  Border. . . . . . . . . . *YES        *NO, *YES                               
  Border Width (in DPI)                                                         
    Left. . . 1       Top . . . 1                                               
    Right . . 1       Bottom. . 1                                               
  Border Color. . . . . . . *RED                                                
 F3=Exit  F4=Prompt  F10=Save  F12=Cancel                                       

Example: blue = 000000255 ( note not to use the hexadecimal equivalent used on the web - 0000ff ).

[ Configure Data Mapping ]