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iMap 3.0 Revisions
This document is under construction.
1. Support the way to change Check Number (CHECK#) from iMap
2. Support the way to input "Conditional Text and Overlays" for form/check application.
3. Support ability to change mapped field’s position from mapped field properties window
4. Support several new properties such as "Map Type", "Font Rotation"
6. The scenario to demonstrate the way to use Smart Routing field
7. Support more mapped field type "Smart Routing" for spool
8. Support mapped field type "Smart Routing Key" for database
9. Support conditional mapped field, sorting and bursting
10. Modify the Mapped field properties window
11. Ability to modify mapped field’s text color
13. Print and Print Preview feature
15. Multiple page per Overlays
18. Ability to manually enter line spacing or line per inch for map filed
19. Ability to manually modify "Start Row", "End Row", "Start Col", and "End Col"
21. Ability to save iMap project with only one file (*.imp)
22. Ability upload a check application without add two dummy fields check amount and check number