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iDocs 6.x Upgrade Instructions

Read Me First Notes:


iDocs 6.00 thru iDocs 6.86 (iView 8.42) requires V5R4+
iDocs 6.90 (iView 8.60) requires V6R1+ 

One of the ‘features’ of iDocs 6.x was that Global Offset and Form Application X/Y positioning adjustments now are functional. In releases prior to iDocs 5.2 these offsets where ignored. Since they are now functional, any value previously specified will now impact the current mapping alignment. If you are upgrading from iDocs 5.2 or newer, I would not anticipate any issues as these features have been functional since these releases. If you are upgrading from an older version previous to iDocs 5.2 and have values assigned to these functions, then you may need to reset your Global Offset settings and your X/Y positioning adjustments on your Form and Check Applications to realign the data text on the output.

To determine if there is a Global Adjustment value specified, select F15 on the Form or Check Application screen. To determine if there is an X/Y positioning adjustment, select the Form or Check Application with a 1 to Edit. The values are about half way down the screen.

There are 3 primary sections to performing the upgrade to iDocs 6.x.

Step 1. Pre-Installation Work on Power System
Step 2. Transfer iDocs to Power System from PC
Step 3. Complete the Installation on the Power System''

Below are the details for each of these upgrade steps.

Upgrade Steps:

Step 1. Pre-Installation Work on Power System

Before starting the upgrade process, you will need to make sure that no one is using the FMG library or if you have renamed the library, the library associated with the iDocs software. Also make sure to stop all your engines associated with iDocs. Use WRKOBJLCK OBJ(FMG) OBJTYPE(*LIB) to view object locks on FMG. End all jobs and remove FMG from all user library lists.

Confirm your system serial number and LPAR by running command: DSPSYSVAL QSRLNBR Make sure the serial number and LPAR match the serial number and LPAR that have been provided with your new registration keys or current registration keys if upgrading from iDocs 5.0 or newer.

Create a new library on your system called: IDOCSSETUP by running: CRTLIB IDOCSSETUP

Create a new savefile on your system : CRTSAVF IDOCSSETUP/IDOCSSAVF

Issue the following command to ensure that IBM i’s FTP server is currently running: STRTCPSVR *FTP If already running, the system will let you know. If not, it will start the FTP server

Step 2. Transfer iDocs to your IBM i Power System from PC

Download the iDocs software to your PC’s desktop

If the file is zipped, un-zip the iDocs software to a directory on your PC’s C: drive Example: C:\IDOCS

Helpful Tip: Rename the newly un-zipped file to idocssavf.savf In the instructions below, the file is referred to as idocssavf.savf

Note: Although on this next step we provide you with instructions on transferring the software from your PC to your Power system using PC Command Prompts (DOS), you can also do this step using other transport tools like IBM’s System i Navigator or Filezilla.

Open up COMMAND PROMPT on your PC and upload the IDOCSSAVF.SAVF to the Power system using the FTP Prompt Commands:

PC file name: C:\idocs\idocssavf.savf IBM OS savefile name: idocssetup/idocssavf

Upload the PC file into the IBM i savefile:

C:\IDOCS> ftp
ftp> open system name or ip address
ftp> (user) qsecofr
ftp> (password) password
ftp> binary
ftp> quote site namefmt 1
ftp> cd /qsys.lib/idocssetup.lib/
ftp> put c:\idocs\idocssavf.savf idocssavf.savf
ftp> quit

Step 3. Complete the Installation on the Power System

Note: Make sure to log-on as QSECOFR

Prior to restoring your new iDocs 6.x software, you will need to rename your current library from FMG or current name, to a new name. For example, most people rename their current FMG library to FMGOLD. If you already have previous library called FMGOLD, maybe from a previous upgrade, you can delete your previous version of FMGOLD and then remain your current library to FMGOLD, or you can give the already existing FMGOLD library a new name, like FMGOLD2, and then continue renaming your current FMG library to FMGOLD.

COMMANDS you can use:

To view all iDocs libraries use: WRKLIB FMG*

To rename the library use: RNMOBJ and Prompt to enter your library to rename, the new name, and Object type which will be *LIB .

To delete the library use: DLTLIB and Prompt

The next step is to create your new iDocs 6.x library. Use this Command to create the library:

The next step is to restore your new iDocs 6.x software. Use this Command to restore your software:

SAVLIB XXX = the name of the saved library. Verify with the command: DSPSAVF IDOCSSETUP/IDOCSSAVF
RSTLIB YYY = The object library name of iDocs 6.x can now be determined by the user. If user profiles and authorities are a concern, name the library FMG as was previously required prior to iDocs 6.

Then place the new library on the first position on your library list:
ADDLIBLE LIB(ZZZ) POSITION(*FIRST) Where ZZZ = The new iDocs library name

The next step is to copy over your form, check, and engine definitions. Use this Command to copy your information from your old FMG library to your new FMG library. Type the command COPYDATA and F4 to Prompt:

Note: Make sure to use the correct library names on the To and FROM fields. Once done, it cannot be undone.

Then verify that the data area contains the name of the library as installed on your system by using this Command:
dspdtaara dslib
dspdtaara dsimaillib (If using iMail)

If you received new registration codes, add them at this time by using command:

If using iPDF, run the iPDF set up command:

If using iMail, run the command:

Note: XXX is your source library Then make sure your iMail Configurations are set up.

Test your Form Applications and your Check Applications for proper alignment.

If using iFax, run your CRTFAXSBS and CRTFAXCOM commands. Then start the FAXCOM. Helpful commands to setting up fax.

CHGCURLIB and use your new iDocs library name to change the current library
CRTFAXSBS to create the fax subsystem
CRTFAXCOM to create the fax communication object

Restart your ENGINES.

End of upgrade instructions for iDocs 6.x

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pub/installation_for_idocs_6.x.1477421360.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/25 17:02 (external edit)